Thanks to Slovenská sporiteľňa, we are making green activities in the Old Markethall visible.

GUTEN TAG! with friends from Austria

GUTEN TAG! with friends from Austria

April 20 - a day full of relaxation, interesting destinations and information, but especially great
you can experience the people and the magical atmosphere of Austria in the premises of the Old Market in Bratislava
during the regular Trh-Piac-Markt.

All this and much more comes from the first year of the GUTEN TAG event! for
Bratislavans and anyone who wants to learn more about Austria.
The event is organized by the Friends of Austria platform in cooperation with the Stará tržnica s
with the aim of conveying to the visitors of the event a perfect mix of enjoyment and experience from
Austria, from its beautiful nature, unique excursion places, tourism and sports, or
culture and art.

The media partner of the event is the daily SME.
We invite you, you are most welcome!