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Kariéra EXPO 2023

Kariéra EXPO 2023

We invite you to the second year of the Kariéra EXPO Bratislava job fair.

During one day, you will be able to meet dozens of employers from the region and experience the rich program that we are preparing for you.

Career EXPO is for all visitors who want to start their career or find out the possibilities of their personal and professional growth.

During the event, you will have a unique opportunity to personally meet employers from various fields and meet experts who will advise you on what your strengths are.

Before meeting with employers, you will be able to try out a model interview so that you are not surprised by any question and are thus fully prepared.

You will also be able to consult your CV or take a language test with our specialists.

Career EXPO will show you that you can get an education or change your career at any time.

Registration for the event is free at