Regular food markets organized by the civic association Alliance The Old Markethall has been held for only ten years and continues the tradition of the building as a market space. The modern history of markets in the Stara tržnica began on September 21, 2013 with the first Piac Markt food market. In the same year, three more markets were held, including the last one called DOBRÝ TRH under the baton of OZ Punkt. The year 2014 was crucial for the markets, as together with the local association of the international Slow Food movement, Pressburg, we developed the Food Market Code. This document defined the concept and direction of the Saturday markets in order to improve the orientation of our customers in the offer. We emphasize the guarantee of origin, the quality and hygienic integrity of the products, the transparency of the production process and the guarantee of a fair environment for market traders.
According to our Code, what can be cultivated and traditionally produced in our region (or in Slovakia) must be sold by the grower, breeder or producer. For the possibility of cooperation opens up for merchants only if they specialize in a specific product, or a foreign region from which they import traditional ones specialties. We prefer specialized smaller, mostly family companies, which they have direct ties to farmers and factories focused on artisanal quality products. Thanks to them, we also offer food on the markets that is not traditional for our cuisine, such as coffee, teas, chocolate, olives and olive oil, exotic fruits, nuts, canned fish and spices. Local farmers and producers make up 70% of the total supply.
Over the course of ten years, 444 Saturday markets were held in the Old Market, at which we cooperated with more than two hundred sellers. Many of them said goodbye after expanding their production and the number of customers. Paradoxically, these "departures" have always pleased us, because they are a testimony to the success of the market traders who started in the Old Market. Among them, it is worth mentioning, for example, Giraffe Bakery, Herbert Sirupy, Slobodné vínárstvo Zemianske Sady, Pivo Damián, Mak z Jarná, Green Plantation by Peta Ondrejka from Komárno and Valér Hralu from California and many others.
Our goal was to create uniform rules that would strengthen visitors' confidence in the quality, freshness and origin of the offered goods. When choosing sellers, we take into account the protection of biodiversity, ecological practices in agriculture, respect for the living conditions of animals and transparency of relations with the consumer. We prefer farmers who do not use synthetic chemistry in the form of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, and manufacturers who do not use additives, preservatives and dyes in their processes.
We offer a wide range of regional products, including fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, herbs, and cut flowers. In the winter months, we focus on stored vegetables and fruits, as well as processed products such as jams, jams, compotes and dried fruits. Fresh bread and other bakery products are an integral part of every market, as well as an offer of cheeses, meat, game, fish products and various types of spices and salts.
At Trh Piac Markt, we connect individual products with suitable drinks, which we create unique gourmet experiences. It is a place not only for shopping, but also for meeting friends and discovering new tastes and smells.
We adhere to the rules and values of the Code, which is based on attitude and values of the international Slow Food movement . The markets are a place for small farmers, family farms, factories and specialized importers. Our markets also include various cultural and educational activities, such as theater performances, musical performances and workshops.
Piac Markt, together with two other food markets - Slow Food Earth Market in Bátovce and Our Market in Kravany nad Dunaj, is part of the Platform of organizers of Our Markets. This platform, initiated by the local association Slow Food Pressburg, aims to create fair sales spaces. Its intention is to support small growers, family farms and manufactories and help them get their products to people who care about the quality and origin of what they cook and consume every day.
Green roof

30. August 2023
One of the newest green projects that we implement within the building is the Green Roof. Since the original roof of the building requires reconstruction, we decided to examine current possibilities and examples of good practice from around the world and prepare this reconstruction in such a way that it reflects the demands of the 21st century. Read more
Composting station

28. August 2023
Did you know that during standard operation we can produce up to 100 kg of biodegradable waste in one day in the entire Old Market? Since we are constantly trying to be more ecological, thanks to Slovenská sporiteľna we purchased an industrial electric composter at the beginning of 2021, which can transform this waste into valuable compost that can be used again in the ecosystem. Read more