Thanks to Slovenská sporiteľňa, we are making green activities in the Old Markethall visible.

Art in the Markethall

Art in the Markethall



With the Art in the Market project, we want to surprise visitors to the market with world-class art where they don't expect it. From 2021, the public can enjoy large-scale interactive works directly in the central hall of the market during the summer months. The main partner of these exhibitions is Slovenská sporiteľňa, the curator of the exhibitions is Zuzana Pacáková (Biela Noc).

We realized the first summer art installation in 2021, when we presented the Austrian-Croatian group Numen/For use and their work TUBE. The following year, we hosted the French digital artist Maotik and his work INNER LIFE. So far, the last exhibited work was TAPE, from the Numen/For use workshop. During the entire summer, up to 25,000 people from 10 countries from all over the world visit the art exhibition.

summer 2021: Tube by Numen/For use

summer 2022: Inner life by Maotik

summer 2023: Tape from Numen/For use

We are currently preparing an exhibition for the summer of 2024.