Thanks to Slovenská sporiteľňa, we are making green activities in the Old Markethall visible.



The regular food market in the Old Market Hall follows the tradition of the building being a marketplace. In its form, the market is unique in Bratislava and surrounding areas. It offers mostly food produced by the regional farmers and producers, which are accompanied by foreign delicacies - but that's not at all!

Markets in the Old Market Hall are first and foremost about the experience. Their unique vibe is accompanied by various activities for both children and adults. 

The Oasis hosts regular degustations, ceramic workshops and SWAPs of the plants and clothes. In the next door ceramic workshop you can visit "open atelier" not only for the children. One of the traditions of Saturday markets is also a theater for children, which is always held at 11:00. For the little ones we also have a children's corner available throughout the day. You can get to know the tastes of foreign countries in the Community Cuisine, in which representatives of foreign communities living in Bratislava cook.

Every Saturday, the largest book market in Slovakia - the Bratislava Book Market - takes place on the first floor. In addition to books, you can find there various posters, graphics, LPs or magazines.

You can also hand over your used kitchen oil for further processing at our info-point or donate your old bakery goods to the Farma Franková. They'll use it to feed their poultry. 

The current list of marketers that you can find at the approaching market, as well as an overview of our accompanying activities and services, are published every Thursday on our Facebook social network profile.

The selection of marketers and food market organization in the Old Market Hall is guided by the so-called „Code of the Food Markets“, which can be found in its full wording HERE (Slovak only). The code was made in cooperation with the civic association Slow Food Pressburg.

When selecting the marketers, we consider the following:

  • we prioritize small farmers, family farms and small local manufacturers active in our region;
  • when it comes to food re-sellers, we consider whether their products are grow-able or manufacture-able in the local environment – in Slovakia. This type of assortment is only sold by its farmers or producers;
  • when it comes to re-sellers, who offer foreign products, we consider the origins of the goods and favor those, that are exceptional due to their quality, as well as traditional specialties, handmade goods or products in bio quality or fair trade. At the same time, we prioritize small importers, who only specialize in one specific product/selection of products or country/region;
  • when it comes to gastronomy, we consider the origin and quality of the input goods and favor those, who at least partially use products from local farmers and manufacturers;
  • the majority of the sellers on our markets are farmers or small local food manufacturers (at least 70%) against (max. 30%) grocery re-sellers;
  • cosmetic products must not create more than 5% of the absolute number of marketers and we favor Slovak manufacturers of quality natural cosmetics;

Registration for marketers:

Dogs are allowed to visit our markets, but they must be on the leech and under control of their owner or another responsible person all the time.